Sunday, 9 November 2008

Simply the best Avi challenge.

I know, I've completely neglected you all recently, but I promise, I'm back now. After a hectic week or so of RL, I'm back in SL and ready and raring to get my ass back into the fashion world and blog again (if there's acutally anyone who reads this, which I highly doubt!).

I look the challenge over on the "Simply the best" blog. It was to design an avvie that looks more like your rl self. Though I wasnt going to be cruel enough to make her as short as I am, so I didnt get her confused with a child avvie whilst I was going about my daily business, but everything else is quite similar, though I will admit she's slightly on the skinnier side of me, but I'm loosing weight, so maybe we'll match more in size at the end of that :P

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That's my avvie now I've edited her. Yes, she is slightly larger then she was before, and slightly shorter. She's got blue eyes, and blonde hair, and pale skin with more eye make-up then anything else, which is how I commonly wear my own make-up. The skin is from Celestial Studios as is the jeans and the jumper. The hair is from ETD and the shoes are from Shiny Things. These are all my favourite stores and she's wearing clothes I would really wear in real life.

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As much as I hate to post the real me, that is the real me for comparison.

Now lets never speak of RL again!

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